Ben Spock, Baby Doctor

Young Dr. Ben Spock
"One of the most influential people
of this (the 20th) century."
—Life Magazine
Produced, directed and written by Robert Richter
The life, times and pediatric pioneering of one of the 20th century's most important figures, a genuine American folk hero.
A PBS primetime telecast in the "Nova" series, narrated by Jane Alexander.
In this informative and entertaining documentary, Dr. Spock's own life is interwoven with the history of pediatrics and momentous events that shaped him — and which he in turn helped shape.
Rare archival footage shows the changing science of pediatrics.
Dr. Spock is the author of "Baby and Child Care," establishing him as the founder of modern pediatrics in America. More than 40 million copies have been sold, in over 30 languages; at one time it out-sold the Bible. Today's popular child-care specialists credit Dr. Spock with being their prime source of information and inspiration.
A leader of the anti-Vietnam war movement, he was blamed for spoiling an entire generation of Americans, a charge that haunted him for the rest of his life. Accused by some feminists of being "a major oppressor of women," he revised his pioneering book in the 1970s to take into account the changing role of women in modern society.
—Boston Globe
"Amiable, engaging..."
—New York Times

Dr. Spock and Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dr. Spock was active until his death in 1998 at the age of 94, crusading for children and peace.
"A man of peace and a man of children, and there is not much difference between them. If you care for children, you are going to be concerned for peace."
—The Rev. William Sloan Coffin
- Awards: National Council on Family Relations, National Educational Film & Video Festival,
Oscar "short list"
57 minutes
Study Areas: Pediatrics, sociology, American studies, Social and political history, history of Vietnam era, biography