Motion Picture Academy has honored 10 documentaries Robert Richter helped create
Oscar nominee, best short doc:
School of Assassins - Prod/Dir/Writer
Gods of Metal - Prod/Dir/Writer
The Gifts - Exec Producer/Co-writer
City Out of Wilderness - Writer
Oscar "Short list" of best feature docs:
Ben Spock, Baby Doctor - Prod/Dir/Writer
Father Roy, Inside the SOA - Prod/Dir/Writer
White Light, Black Rain - Exec Producer
Oscar "Short list" of best short docs:
Crossing the Line - Prod/Dir/Writer
Guns and Greed - Prod/Dir/Writer
Woman Rebel - Exec Producer.
The largest peace demonstration in history. One million people, one voice: stop the nuclear arms race. Pete Seeger, James Taylor, Peter Paul & Mary, Holly Near, Rita Marley and many others. "...most INSPIRING, choke-you-up MOVING film about a real event and a lot of real, ordinary people that I've ever seen!"
Modern forensics re-examines evidence. Walter Cronkite narrates our definitive documentary. Journal of American History: "Admirable...thorough ...serves a public function of the first order... cogent and coherent."
Election History
"...fascinating ...It is worth study by advertising and political science students ...5 out of 5 stars."
—Daniel C. Dennis in Invincible Summer about our biography film for Hubert Humphrey's campaign against Richard Nixon and George Wallace for President of the United States.
"A work of genius." -Joe McGinniss in his best seller, The 1968 Presidential Campaign

April 30, 1975 Saigon "falls"
April 30
First film made by Americans in post war Vietnam. Screened in over 125 theaters, never telecast in the U.S. Includes a My Lai survivor at the site, unknown until our film.
"Terrific documentary in the best tradition of the genre and a just and unbiased piece of journalism now a historical document in its own right... 5 out of 5 stars."
CIA and Torture

Father Roy
The Senate Torture report should have noted that it began long before 9/11:
Father Roy: Inside the School of Assassins The struggle to find and reveal the truth about secret CIA torture training at a US military facility, our PBS aired documentary.
Aug. 2012: U.S. joins Vietnam to remove Agent Orange, the problem revealed in our documentary on dioxin and PCBs.
DuPont Columbia Broadcast Journalism Awards

"Will I grow up to be a normal man?"
"TV journalism's Pulitzer Prize" awarded for four of our docs:
For Export Only: Pesticides
For Export Only: Pharmaceuticals
Incident at Browns Ferry
A Plague on Our Children
National Emmy:
Awarded to Robert Richter and Sheila Nevins for "exceptional merit in non-fiction filmmaking" as Executive Producers of HBO's version of
The Last Atomic Bomb.
National Emmy Finalist:
What Price Clean Air?
Shot Pres.dent Kennedy?